New features & updates | ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak and eKidEnglish shake hands to raise the level of kids’ English learning experience in Vietnam

ELSA Speak – the world’s leading English learning application, has just announced their partnership with eKidEnglish – an online interactive English learning platform that won the Sao Khue 2020 award. Together, they aim to improve the English learning experience for Vietnamese children utilizing online platforms. ELSA Speak is considered a breakthrough English learning application. With […]

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ELSA Speak’s latest partnership – POPS Kids! Launching a unique English learning methodology for children.

ELSA, the world’s Top 5 English learning application, and children’s educational platform – POPS Kids have just signed a partnership agreement. This partnership is the beginning of their newest “online school” solution that fully integrates knowledge and skills teaching for children to study at the comfort of their home. ELSA Speak, founded in 2015, is […]

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Leading banks and outsourcing companies shared how leveraging technology could upskill their employees and improve the organization’s language levels

In the business world these days things have been shifting rapidly, and the pandemic has brought forward some remarkable changes that we have to adapt to. Working from home has become the new normal, pushing businesses to transform the way they function and develop. The demand for skills training however, specifically English skills training, has […]

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How They Did IT: Solving the IT recruitment challenge with technology – Sharing from fram^

Founded in 2013 and NASDAQ listed since 2017, fram^ is a Swedish-Vietnamese company that offers first-rate offshore Software Development Services and builds Vietnam-leading Digital Consumer Brands. The company has recently partnered with ELSA and applied ELSA Testing System – an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution to help evaluate the comprehensive English capacity of potential candidates and […]

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ELSA Speak and our commitment to aid the educators

ELSA launched their latest program, aimed to empower students and teachers alike to keep learning amidst challenging times

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ELSA Product Update: Detailed report for practical corporate English training

ELSA aims to support our value partners in managing and optimizing the Corporate English training performance with its new updates.

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

Nhập mã VNJ24LT giảm thêm 390K

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

Nhập mã VNJ24LT giảm thêm 390K

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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