Do you know?
‘recipe’ is pronounced /ˈresəpi/’, not /REE-sipe/ or /RUH-seep’.

Do you know?
‘recipe’ is one of 18 words that Vietnamese usually pronounce wrong, along with ‘pizza’, ‘vehicle’, ‘stomach’,…

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Due to popular request from Vietnamese users, last Thursday, ELSA released new module ‘18 words for Vietnamese.’ This is the collaboration between ELSA and Dan Hauer to help our customers have the best guidance in pronouncing these 18 words.

Now, users can both learn from ELSA, and watch Dan’s video right in ELSA App. Check out the video below to see how to access to the new module.

Please give us your feedback on using this new module. If we receive positive feedback on this new module, we will try our best on releasing similar content/lessons in the future and update this new feature on ELSA iOS version.


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