Using idioms in IELTS Speaking Test is a good way to improve your test score. Using idioms not only shows how good your vocabulary is, but also makes your speech sound more naturally and fluently.

Check out these seven common idioms that you should prepare for your test.

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1.Over the moon – to be extremely pleased or happy.
Ex: I was over the moon when I passed my speaking test.


2. A piece of cake – very easy.

Ex: Getting a band 6 in the speaking test will be a piece of cake.

3. Once in a blue moon – happens very rarely.

Ex: A student will get a 9 in the IELTS writing test once in a blue moon.


4. House of cards – easy to fall or collapse

If you describe a system, organization, or plan as a house of cards, you mean that it is likely to fail or collapse.

Ex: This government could fall apart like a house of cards during the first policy discussion.

5. Soul mate – someone you trust very deeply.

Ex: My husband is not just my lover, he’s my soul mate.

6. (come) rain or shine – means something will happen regardless of weather or other difficulties.

Ex: I will be on time for the class, rain or shine. Come rain or shine, she is always smiling

7. in a nutshell: to be concise, in a few words

Ex: Here’s our proposal-in a nutshell, we want to sell the business to you.


It’s true to say that using idioms can increase your test score. However, if you use idiom incorrectly or say it wrong, this might lower your score.

Wanna avoid that situation? ELSA is here to help you. We have just updated 14 new lessons about “Common IELTS Idioms”. Download our app to get the guidance about how to pronounce these common IELTS idioms right.


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