Drum roll… Two exciting announcements. ELSA in Real Life (biggest improvement in our product ever) & Application opening for ELSA VIP Membership (FREE to get but has a value of $1,000)!

Drum roll… Two exciting announcements. ELSA in Real Life (biggest improvement in our product ever) & Application opening for ELSA VIP Membership (FREE to get but has a value of $1,000)!

Hi there,

This is ELSA, your world’s best English Language Speech Assistant app powered by AI. 

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{{ sentences[sIndex].text }}
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In the last 3 years, I had the honor to help 12 million English learners to improve their English communication skills. 

And today, I am excited to tell you I have made a lot of improvements myself – meet a new and better me with the brand new feature, ELSA in Real Life – coming soon in 2021! 

Let me tell you more about ELSA in Real Life!  ELSA users have been asking for this for a while — they want instant feedback for their real-life speech (imagine Zoom calls, presentations, spontaneous conversations you are having with your friends). So we decided to start building a feature for it, and now we are thrilled to share our brand new feature fresh off the oven with selected ELSA users. I hope you enjoy this one-of-a-kind feature with the world’s best AI technology! 

And now I am onto our second exciting news – we are launching the ELSA VIP Membership program in 2021! We wanted to have a platform to celebrate our loyal ELSA users across the world. And we are now OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS for the first batch of members (saving spots for 5,000 initial members). The membership comes with ELSA in Real Life (valued at $1,000), and other exciting perks you will discover once you join! More information is at elsaspeak.com/vip!

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

Nhập mã VNJ24LT giảm thêm 390K

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

Nhập mã VNJ24LT giảm thêm 390K

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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