English for workplace | ELSA Speak

English is Ever so Important Now Due to COVID-19

Why does lack of English proficiency lead to business failure especially during COVID-19?

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The race to reskill amid COVID-19

According to the Mercer 2020 Global Talent Trends Study, although 78% of employees say they are ready to reskill, executives believe only 45% of their current workforce can adapt to the change. Companies that can unlock reskilling at speed and scale will be able to leave competitors in the dust with the sheer pace of […]

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Human resources management in the “new normal” – When technology connects people

People are forced to separate during a dangerous epidemic. How to effectively apply human resources management in the era of Work from home?

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It is not just about wages – What more do employees demand in the new now?

Employee benefits have become much more than a simple add-on, it has already become a competitive advantage for businesses.

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Re-skilling personnel to reduce the internal skill gap

To close the internal skill gap, 56% CEO said they would choose re-skilling strategy to improve competencies of the existing team.

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Top 3 most common corporate English training programs

There are numerous corporate English training programs on the market, which will be the right fit for your company?

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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ELSA Pro Lifetime
ELSA Pro Lifetime

Original price: 10,995,000 VND

2,195,000 VND

Nhập mã VNJ24LT giảm thêm 390K

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ELSA Pro 1 year
ELSA Pro 1 year

Original price: 1,095,000 VND

985,000 VND

Nhập mã OP30 giảm thêm 30K

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