Lu Can Chase His Dreams, So Can You
ELSA has over 13 million downloads globally and Nguyen Van Lu was one of them. Lu was your typical, mediocre Vietnamese fresh graduate looking for work in the tourism industry in Canada. He chose ELSA as his instrument for improving his weak English proficiency at the time. We asked him a few questions about his experience learning a completely new language and experience with ELSA.
Can you describe why you wanted to work in the tourism sector in Canada?
Lu: Working in a hotel or resort, especially one overseas, had always been a dream of mine because I enjoyed meeting new people from all over the world. When I visited Canada during one of my summer breaks, it left a lasting impression on me. I fell in love with the hospitality I received, and it piqued my interest in returning.
Kiểm tra phát âm với bài tập sau:
How was your English proficiency before using ELSA?
Lu: I did take up basic English courses during my undergraduate years but because it was squeezed into my tight class schedule, I could not really properly absorb all the things taught. Furthermore, it really aided my written English rather than my spoken English, as there were very few opportunities to practice speaking in a group context (class). I would say my written English was intermediate level but at that time, I still had many issues with pronunciation and vocabulary.
Why did you choose to use ELSA?
Lu: When a friend found out I was moving to Canada for a job, she referred me to ELSA. She assured me that ELSA would significantly improve my English pronunciation and conversational skills. I was skeptical because I believed I would need a physical teacher to point out my errors; in other words, I didn’t believe such advanced technology existed.
Which part of ELSA helped you the most and why?
Lu: I’m not sure where to begin because it helped me find my dream career in less than a year. Because ELSA is so exact with its pronunciation mistake detections, I’d think my pronunciation, as I’ve mentioned, has much improved as a result of utilizing it.
In the tourism industry, you are required to not only communicate accurate information, but also to understand the needs of your customers. As a result, ELSA’s listening exercises have really aided me in better understanding consumers and avoiding any miscommunication or misinterpretation.
How is your English proficiency now (after using ELSA)?
Lu: I certainly don’t believe to be 100% fluent in English, but I can absolutely tell that since using ELSA, my confidence in speaking English has skyrocketed. ELSA provided courses specifically designed for my industry, which helped me focus my learning on the skills I needed for my career, allowing me to learn the right things quickly.
Anything you would have done differently in regards to learning English?
Lu: It may sound cheesy, but I wish I had known about ELSA sooner, especially during my high school English classes. Because I learned quickly on ELSA, it would have facilitated my learning and allowed me to devote more time to myself and my friends. However, that’s all in the past and I am just thankful that I was able to learn English and land my dream job.
Do you have any advice for other English language learners?
Lu: It’s never too late to start pursuing your aspirations, so don’t be scared to make mistakes. Consider the (self) advantages of learning English rather than perceiving it as a chore; this will make the process more enjoyable and less exhausting.
Lu is just one of many people throughout the world who want to extend their horizons by joining the “English speakers.” People all over the world are leaving their comfort zones (their own countries) to work or study, and ELSA will always be there to help them achieve their ambitions.